List All News ArticlesEMU Translation and Interpretation Department Celebrates Its 10th Silver Screen Days
Published Date: Thursday, 25 January 2018
Providing students with a high quality educational program that prepares them for their prospective careers, the Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Faculty of Arts and Sciences Translation and Interpretation Department celebrated the 10-year anniversary of its audio-visual translation workshop known as Silver Screen Days.
During this special event, films translated and subtitled by final year students Merve Gürbüz, Dila Şimşek, Leyla Tokan, Tezer Karaca, Fadime Erkek, Şöhret Sertbay, Simge Tütüncü, Fatma Acaröz, Pınar Bayram and Aslı Yıldız were screened at the university. As part of the workshop, informative presentations were provided by the students on the audio-visual translation of the English- and French-language films, including translation analysis, translation process and the different methods employed.
Audio-visual translation specialist Senior Instructor Neslihan Binatlı Hekimoğlu stated that audiovisual translation is not only limited to films, documentaries and TV shows, but is also an important part of the digital game sector, in which there is high demand for qualified translators. Senior Instructor Hekimoğlu added that this demand can only be met with practical training that supports the professional development of the students, and that the EMU Translation and Interpretation Department has advanced in this goal since its establishment.
Proud of the 10th anniversary of the Silver Screen Days translation workshop, the EMU Translation and Interpretation Department has once more shown the successful outcome of its four-year educational program.